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Sheldon Cooper: A Short Biography

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Sheldon Cooper: A Short Biography Empty Sheldon Cooper: A Short Biography

Post by Sheldon Cooper Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:05 pm

Sheldon Cooper: A Short Biography Jim-parsons
Sheldon Lee Cooper

Name: See above.
Nicknames: If you call him Shelly, prepare for some carbon monoxide in your common room.
Age: 25
Birthday: February 2nd
Blood Status: Muggleborn
House/Former House: Ravenclaw
Side: Who knows?
Play-By: Jim Parsons

Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Body Shape: Slim
Height: Average-ish
Distinguishing Features:

Likes: Bazinga, physics, potions, routine, his spot, mocking his fellows, mocking people who are not his fellows, explaining his experiments, reminding everyone around him of how much more intelligent than them he is, soft kitty, puzzles, proving he's better, Star Trek, Star Wars, World of Warcraft, anything that helps avoid social interaction
Dislikes: Germs, birds, change, coitus, motorcycles, driving, social interaction, idiots, Pennys' boyfriends, people who think they're smarter than he is, sleep, not knowing things, being told what to do, being treated like a child, when Leonard's girlfriend Priya finds loopholes in his arguments
Strengths: To be classified as a genius he'd have to lose 60 IQ points, his intelligence has saved lives, he can usually get what he wants out of sheer annoyingness, he can look at things logically
Weaknesses: He may or may not have Asperger's Syndrome and OCD, he's a terrible hugger, he can't wrangle emotions into anything logically, he tends to rant, he's scared of a lot of things, he's incredibly condescending at times

Family: Missy Cooper - twin, muggle sister; George Cooper Jr., muggle elder brother; Mary and George Cooper, parents
Personal History: Starting muggle college at age 11 - the same time he started at Hogwarts - and recieving his first PhD at the beginning of his seventh year, Sheldon has never really stopped to spend time with people. His only actual friends put up with him mostly because he saved all of their lives (though they do care for each other to some extent), and the only girls he ever has contact with are Amy Farrah Fowler and Penny.

Friends: Leonard, Raj, Howard, Penny, Amy
Partner: Sheldon doesn't have a 'thing'. Most people do, but not him.
Enemies: Don't get him started.
Sheldon Cooper
Sheldon Cooper

Posts : 3

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